Results for FeatureType '': -------------------------------------------- fid = 799 geom = [GEOMETRY (Point) with 1 points] id = 91913 updated = 08/03/2013 11:09 placename = Vahsel Bay previousname = null displayname = Vahsel Bay level = 12 parent = 91460 acceptdate = 18/02/2009 lat = -54.7569 lon = -35.8278 description = Between Wirik Bay and Cape Vahsel, after which it is named. poly = SRID=3762;MULTIPOLYGON(((74964.703858909 25930.231575935,74964.703858909 26930.231575935,75964.703858909 26930.231575935,75964.703858909 25930.231575935,74964.703858909 25930.231575935))) rotation = 0.0 featurecol = #169FDA featuretype = W fontstyle = italic displacementx = 0 displacementy = 0 derived = 1 --------------------------------------------