fid fid id updated placename previousname displayname level parent acceptdate lat lon description poly rotation featurecol featuretype fontstyle displacementx displacementy derived
apip_sgssi_gazetteer.481 481 91409 08/03/2013 11:09 Johnson Bottom Johnson Bottom 13 91468 15/07/1982 -54.0147 -38.0739 Low-lying tussac grassed (Poa flabellata) and rock area, north of Johnson Cove, Bird Island. Breeding habitat for Antarctic Fur Seals (Arctocephalus gazella). Named in association with the cove and in contrast to Johnson Top. (APC, 1982). SRID=3762;MULTIPOLYGON(((-70896.3755422478 108638.83423466,-70896.3755422478 109638.83423466,-69896.3755422478 109638.83423466,-69896.3755422478 108638.83423466,-70896.3755422478 108638.83423466))) 0.0 #000000 P normal 0 0 1