fid fid id updated placename previousname displayname level parent acceptdate lat lon description poly rotation featurecol featuretype fontstyle displacementx displacementy derived
apip_sgssi_gazetteer.819 819 91922 08/03/2013 11:09 Vostok Point Vostok Point 12 91443 18/02/2009 -54.745 -36.3113 Headland N of Diaz Cove, named after Vostok, one of Bellingshausen's vessels during his voyage of discovery to the south polar region 1819-1821. SRID=3762;MULTIPOLYGON(((43849.0025533912 27676.2737946959,43849.0025533912 28676.2737946959,44849.0025533912 28676.2737946959,44849.0025533912 27676.2737946959,43849.0025533912 27676.2737946959))) 0.0 #000000 P normal 0 0 1