fid fid id updated placename previousname displayname level parent acceptdate lat lon description poly rotation featurecol featuretype fontstyle displacementx displacementy derived
apip_sgssi_gazetteer.839 839 91935 08/03/2013 11:09 Cyclops Eye Cyclops Eye 13 91676 15/02/2011 -54.8203 -36.1492 Natural geological arch at approximately 1000 m.a.s.l., on western ridge of Mount Sabatier, South Georgia. Mapped by SGS, 1951-57. Named descriptively after the mythological one-eyed giant, Cyclops. SRID=3762;MULTIPOLYGON(((54190.3801060153 19177.3887819392,54190.3801060153 20177.3887819392,55190.3801060153 20177.3887819392,55190.3801060153 19177.3887819392,54190.3801060153 19177.3887819392))) 0.0 #000000 P normal 0 0 1