fid fid id updated placename previousname displayname level parent acceptdate lat lon description poly rotation featurecol featuretype fontstyle displacementx displacementy derived
apip_sgssi_gazetteer.1027 1027 92042 10/05/2016 12:00 Twitcher Bay Twitcher Bay 13 91823 01/04/2015 -54.73 -35.9478 Bay to the south of Iris Bay, south-east South Georgia. It was created by the retreat of Twitcher Glacier, which was first noticed in 2011, and the bay was then surveyed in 2014 by the RV Hans Hansson. Named in association with the glacier after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, popularly known as “Jemmy Twitcher”. 0.0 #169FDA W italic 0 0