fid fid id updated placename previousname displayname level parent acceptdate lat lon description poly rotation featurecol featuretype fontstyle displacementx displacementy derived
apip_sgssi_gazetteer.1023 1023 91999 28/05/2014 13:40 Filchner Ridge Filchner Ridge 11 91437 27/05/2014 -54.177 -36.9954 Ridge between Crean Glacier and Nineteen-Sixteen Snowfield, South Georgia. Named after Dr Wilhelm Filchner who, along with Johannes Müller, produced the South Georgia map used by Shackleton to make the crossing of South Georgia. The map was made during the German Antarctic Expedition (1911-12), which Filchner led (APC, 2014). 0.0 #000000 P normal 0 0 1